Tori’s Intern Reflection: My Top 5 Netsertive Lessons

During her summer at Netsertive, Tori created marketing videos, assisted her team in driving sales at the local level for her clients, and brainstormed awesome marketing contents.

I can’t believe I’ve reached the end of my journey as a corporate marketing intern at Netsertive! As I sit here and reflect on all the things I have learned, I can’t help but feel so incredibly grateful for this opportunity and experience.

This internship has been far from the morning coffee/errand runner position you expect from summer internships. In fact, I can confidently say the only person’s coffee I have grabbed during this time is my own. From assisting with launching the new company website to A/B testing and leading a YouTube automotive brand campaign, Netsertive has given me a valuable look into the dynamic world of digital marketing.

My time as an intern at Netsertive has also taught me some important life lessons that I will carry with me throughout my professional and personal life. I call these my Netsertive Top 5.

1. Have an Open Mind

Keeping an open mind is everything when it comes to getting the most value out of an internship. When I first began my role at Netsertive, I had an idea of what area of digital marketing I thought I would enjoy the most. However, after being introduced to the world of product marketing, I was instantly intrigued.

Although I had heard of product marketing before, I did not fully understand everything it entailed. Product marketing lives at the intersection of product development, marketing, and sales. The goal of product marketing is to drive product adoption. This unique role allows for creativity, engagement across various parts of an organization, and constant communication with customers. By keeping an open mind and exploring new domains, I found my fit.

2. Always Play to Your Strengths

Before you can play to your strengths, you have to find out what they actually are. Playing to your strengths requires you to try new things and take on tasks or projects you may not initially feel comfortable doing. By pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone you are able to fully test and discover what you’re capable of accomplishing.

The beauty of internships is that they are designed specifically for this purpose. I have learned to say yes and embrace the opportunities that may seem intimidating, and because of this, I can confidently say I have a better understanding of what my professional strengths look like and how I can best use them in my future career.

3. It Is Okay to Fail

Being open to the idea of failing is so important for both professional and personal growth. As an intern, I quickly became open to the idea of failing as I was learning new things every single day.

Having this mindset allowed me to pursue projects and tasks that may have initially seemed scary or intimidating. Knowing that it was ok to fail allowed me to feel confident enough to step outside of my comfort zone. I like to think of this as having a fail-forward attitude. Failure is inevitable, but the lessons and growth that come from them are what pushes you to greater things.

4. People Make the Place

The thing I will miss the most about my internship at Netsertive is the people! During my time here, I have been able to connect with people, find lifelong mentors, and even form close friendships.

It is so important to find a work environment and company culture that make you feel supported not only professionally but personally. Since you’re spending the majority of your day in one place, you have to make sure you enjoy it.

5. Communication Really Is Key

I know this may sound a little cheesy, but it’s true! Digital marketing has so many moving parts, and best practices are constantly changing. In order for an organization and a marketing team to be successful within this industry, open communication is essential.

As an intern, establishing open communication with my team members was critical to both my success and the success of the team. Luckily, I always felt confident asking questions when I did not fully understand a task or a marketing acronym that was brought up during a meeting. This openness of communication allowed me to learn and gain even more insight into the projects I was working on. Ultimately, this made my experience all the more valuable.

Lessons Learned for My Future Career

My time as an intern at Netsertive has provided me with a wealth of knowledge that I will be able to use as I finish my college degree and start my career. I am so grateful for the opportunity and the people I have met along the way.