
We’ve heard repeatedly from our clients that the biggest digital trend is still video, yet there is not enough inventory. Video remains so popular among advertisers because no other digital format has proven to be as impactful for brand metrics.

Traditionally pre-roll has been the go-to video ad format for advertisers who are looking to extend their ads online. Yet digital publishers struggle to provide the volume of high-quality, pre-roll video inventory needed to meet demand. However, a new crop of video ad formats and channels have become available outside of pre-roll, including outstream, in-banner, audience extension and social video advertising. This provides an exciting new opportunity to unlock more premium inventory placements and capitalize on the video boom.

“The benefit of creating video everywhere you deliver content is that video is the most engaging ad type of all those available digitally. The trouble with video is that it historically has been associated only with vide content itself, and used in a pre-roll fashion, and that limits the inventory significantly,” says Charlie Tillinghast, CEO of Mixpo.

“By freeing video ads from being directly connected to video content it opens up the opportunity to place video in mobile ad streams, in web pages, anywhere there is content of any kind, and that way that engaging ad unit can be used much more widely, increasing revenue.”

Mixpo’s infographic, Digital Video Advertising, elaborates on the state of digital video and the new premium placement opportunities for publishers:

state of digital video advertising

To learn more key insights about why video is king and how publishers can continue utilizing it in the future, contact info@netsertive.com.

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