Netsertive Localized Marketing Discusses Google Shelves 3rd Party Cookies Phase-Out

Google has abandoned its plan to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome, opting instead to enhance user privacy through improved choice and control over tracking. This shift emphasizes leveraging first-party data and new technologies for effective digital advertising, and Netsertive recommends focusing on collecting and utilizing first-party data and partnering with experts to stay agile and competitive in this evolving landscape.


After four years of preparing for phasing out third-party cookies, Google announced it has abandoned its plan to phase out third-party cookies from its Chrome browser. Originally announced as part of the Privacy Sandbox initiative in 2019, this move was aimed at enhancing user privacy while maintaining an ad-supported internet. However, after multiple delays and pushbacks from industry stakeholders and regulators, Google has decided to introduce a new experience in Chrome that emphasizes "user choice" instead.

The Evolution of Google's Stance

For nearly four years, Google had committed to eliminating third-party cookies by 2022, which are tiny bits of code used to track user activity across websites for targeted advertising called third-party cookies. Other kinds of cookies, known as first-party cookies, collect basic details such as login credentials for specific websites.

But the road to a cookieless future has been fraught with challenges for Google. According to Anthony Chavez, VP of Google’s Privacy Sandbox, this transition would require substantial effort and adaptation from all participants and various regulators have voiced concerns, resulting in a 180 degree u-turn by Google. 

Instead of removing third-party cookies entirely, Google plans to give Chrome users more control over their web browsing privacy settings. This approach will allow users to make informed choices about how they want to be tracked, similar to the "Ask App Not to Track" prompt introduced by Apple in 2021. The idea is to provide consumers control over their data while still preserving the functionality needed for effective digital advertising. 

The New Approach

But just because the cookie isn’t being killed immediately doesn’t mean brands can breathe easy. While some experts believe this shift may not significantly alter the advertising landscape, some are nervous of the impact an opt-in approach, such as Apple’s in 2021, would have on advertiser’s ability to track and target users. 

For a while now the industry has shifted focus on leveraging first-party and zero-party data to personalized messaging based on the user’s digital journey, which will continue as a key strategy in the future. The ability for marketers to use customer data is the way of the future, which means companies will need to refine their strategies to maintain effective targeting and measurement capabilities in this new environment.

See more: Clean Data In is Critical for Data Reliance

What Netsertive is Doing For Its Customers

Leveraging Data Strategies

Regardless of Google’s plan to eliminate or not eliminate cookies entirely, it's important to push for the rapid adoption of first-party (1P) data usage and control. The ecosystem won’t "fix" this for brands—marketers need to be proactive and timely or risk falling behind their competition.

First-party data refers to the information that a company collects directly from its customers and audience through its own channels. This data is typically obtained via customer interactions, website visits, transactions, and other direct engagements, and can be used to analyze consumer behavior, and optimize your strategies to create a more personalized, localized, and user-friendly experience.

At Netsertive, we use a balanced approach to data by combining first-party and third-party data, so that businesses can optimize for both precision and scale. While the loss of third-party cookies may initially impact digital marketing effectiveness, we anticipate a rebound as new technologies and methodologies emerge.

Staying Agile with Technology

The digital advertising landscape is continually evolving, and there is no single industry standard for handling these changes. As a premier partner of major players like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, our technology and team monitor the highest returns on investment and shift media spend accordingly. Our tech is designed to adapt rapidly, ensuring your marketing dollars are spent where they will have the most impact.

We have also heavily invested in cutting-edge technology to automate the use of first-party customer data, enabling privacy-controlled targeting and inventory-driven marketing. This allows brand marketers to take control of personalization and targeting strategies, rather than waiting for big players to dictate the path forward. Our adaptive tech ensures that your marketing efforts are not just reactive, but proactive—placing you at the forefront of industry innovation.

Continuous Adaptation

Our campaign strategy and performance teams stay on top of changing trends weekly. This agility allows us to pivot quickly and keep your marketing efforts aligned with the latest best practices. While the future without third-party cookies may be uncertain, it also presents an opportunity for innovation. At Netsertive, we are excited about the possibilities of a more privacy-first world of advertising.

“Done right, the future of digital privacy is a win-win for users and businesses,” says Aazir Munir, Product Manager at Netsertive. “It allows individuals privacy and choice, while pushing businesses to innovate and develop truly exciting user experiences that incentivize users to want to provide information through zero and first-party data. Ultimately, this fosters better trust for the whole digital community ”

Recommendations for Marketers

  • Focus on First-Party Data: Invest in technologies and strategies that help you collect and utilize first-party data effectively.
  • Enhance User Experience: Provide value to your customers through personalized experiences, increasing the likelihood they will share their data willingly.
  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of changes in the digital advertising landscape and adjust your strategies accordingly.
  • Collaborate with Experts: Partner with companies like Netsertive that stay on the cutting edge of digital marketing trends and technologies.


Google's decision to abandon the phasing out of third-party cookies marks a significant shift in the digital advertising landscape. While this change brings challenges, it also offers new opportunities for businesses willing to adapt and innovate. By focusing on first-party data, staying agile with technology, and continuously adapting to new trends, multi-location marketers can thrive in this evolving environment.

Ready to future-proof your digital marketing strategy? Contact Netsertive today to learn how we can help you navigate this transition and achieve your marketing goals.

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