Everything You Need to Know About Google Smart Display

Build creative and highly efficient ads with the Google Smart Display Campaigns tool. Here’s exactly how to use this powerful advertising tool to leverage great results online.

When it comes to generating awareness in digital advertising, using Google’s Smart Display Campaigns is a good place to start. These campaigns are made up of a variety of display ads designed to build awareness and attract new customers across the Google display network. With more than 3 million different websites available on the Google Display network, creating a Smart Display Campaign is one of the most efficient ways to reach qualified customers online.

Depending on your advertising goals, there are many reasons to use a Google Smart Display Campaign. It’s a great tactic for attracting new customers no matter where they are in the buying process. If you’ve been focusing on retargeting customers who have seen your ads before, been to your website or looked at a specific product page, you can use Smart Display to make an impression on customers earlier in the buying process. Here’s a brief overview of why and how you could be using Google Smart Display to reach more customers online.

Automation is Key

One benefit of using a Smart Display Campaign is a result of its automatic nature. You can create and optimize your display ads and they will be put on the best placement on the Google Display Network depending on your campaign objective. Additionally, with Smart Bidding, you can leverage machine-learning to automatically bid on the most valuable ad spaces throughout the Display network. This frees up your time to focus on running your business, serving your customers, and closing more sales.

Set Smarter Parameters for Your Ad Campaign

While your ad optimization is handled, there are a few parameters that need to be set for your campaigns. This includes the campaign budget, ad assets, and target CPA.

Set The Budget

Set a campaign budget that’s about twice the price of your daily targeted CPA bid. This can be  increased at any time, which is a good idea if you need to scale your overall campaign.

Determine Your Targeted CPA

An advertising campaign is driven by actions on the part of your customers. How much are you willing to spend per action by your customers?

This number is known as your CPA, or Cost-Per-Action, and it helps Google’s machine-learning program to set smarter bids for ad space across the Display Network. Setting your target CPA too low will result in fewer conversions, as Google doesn’t have the budget to bid on the most competitive ad spaces.

Upload Your Ad Assets

Upload Your Ad Assets

Google can’t build an ad for you out of nothing. You’ll need to upload appropriate graphics, logos, images, and headlines to build a strong set of ads.

The Benefits of Using Smart Display Campaigns

With Smart Display Campaigns, it is easier and faster to reach the most qualified customers wherever they are on Google’s Display Network. As such, you can determine what ad components—headlines, images, calls to action—are generating the most action within your ads. Using Smart Display, you get access to this great information without having to do any of the actual ad design or optimization.

But there are other benefits that make this a powerful advertising tool for businesses of all sizes.

It Builds the Ads for You

Like we mentioned earlier, the beauty of Smart Display is that the ads are built automatically—all that’s needed are the appropriate inputs. Once they are uploaded to Google, performance-based ads are created that align with your campaign objectives.

It Reaches Your Key Audience

Smart Display uses automated bidding techniques to place your ads in the most valuable places—where they’ll likely drive the maximum number of conversions. They target only the most qualified potential customers, including retargeting to people who have already interacted with your website or your ads.

The Bottom Line

Don’t have the time, or the resources, to create a robust display ad campaign as part of your overall digital strategy? Let Netsertive help you incorporate a Smart Display Campaign as an effective way to reach key audiences on Google’s Display Network.