Digital Innovation: 4 Ways to Win Customers in 2020

With 2020 just around the corner, it’s time to make sure your marketing plan is ready for the new year. Here are four things you should do in 2020 to win (and keep!) new customers.

Digital trends never sleep—and neither do your customers! That’s why it’s crucial to stay on top of the ever-changing digital advertising landscape, especially as you move into 2020. Customers expect a seamless, integrated experience from start to finish, beginning with your company’s advertising strategy.

Three big trends we’ve seen in 2019 are voice search, video advertising, and multi-channel marketing. Implementing these three tactics in your 2020 strategy is going to be a big way to win customers and make them brand advocates in the new year.

Here’s what you need to do.

1. Begin Optimizing Your Campaigns for Voice Search

Voice search is slowly but surely taking over. It seems as though everyone has a “Google,” “Alexa,” or a “Cortana” hanging out in their living room, ready to provide a weather report or play party music. While these tools are convenient for users, they may soon become one of the most effective ways to advertise to consumers.

To get a jump on voice search advertising, it’s time to start optimizing your marketing campaigns for voice search. We wrote a whole blog about it, with tips for how to optimize your ad campaigns, keywords, and other campaign logistics for voice.

The highlights:

  • Voice searches are more conversational than traditional search queries
  • Make sure you’re not excluding keywords like “near me,” “who,” “what,” “when,” or “where.”
  • A digital marketing technology with AI-capabilities will be a tremendous asset in optimizing your marketing campaigns

2. Lock Down a Solid Video Advertising Strategy

Video has long been one of the best ways to engage your customers. Studies have found that viewers retain 95% more of the information they see in a video than if they were to just read it as text. The average user would rather watch a video than read an article, and it’s estimated that mobile video consumption rises by 100% every year.

As such, if you’re not leveraging the power of video, you’re missing out on key connections with your audience in a powerful way. Look into your video advertising options for 2020, because these are just a handful of the benefits:

  • According to a 2014 study, YouTube videos have been shown to make an impact on buying decisions for targeted audiences
  • YouTube typically delivers a higher advertising ROI than traditional TV
  • Advertising on YouTube allows you to target your audience segments in a variety of unique ways

We wrote about video advertising in depth earlier this month. Check it out for some great tips on leveraging YouTube video advertising in 2020.

3. Integrate Your Advertising Across Multiple Channels

In 2020, it won’t be enough to dump your entire marketing budget into one channel. To have the best chance of reaching your customers and connecting with them in a meaningful way, you’ll need to integrate your advertising campaigns across multiple digital channels.

Multi-channel marketing involves taking a single advertising campaign and optimizing it across different advertising channels. Those channels may include a paid search ad, email, a print ad, a website, promotional events, a mobile app, or a video campaign

We did some research to see if there was a big difference between single-channel and multi-channel marketing. You can read more about that in a blog we wrote a few weeks back. Suffice it to say: in some cases, multi-channel marketing may result in up to 77% more impressions and 82% more clicks. It’s a strategy worth pursuing in 2020.

4. Stay on Top of Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

One of the best ways to make a big impression on your audience is by adopting the latest digital advertising trends. The Internet, and our digital best practices are only going to continue changing and evolving—making it imperative (and tricky) to keep up.

Want to stay in the know when it comes to all things digital marketing? Subscribe to our blog here at Netsertive. We have the market expertise and digital marketing know-how to help you stay up to date on everything you need to win customers in 2020.

Have any questions about your digital strategy for next year? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.