In order to create a successful advertising strategy, you need to align your objectives with the types of campaigns and ads you’re rolling out. What you do—your advertising tactics—have to properly align with your objectives in order to achieve them. Makes sense, right?
We’ve written about Bing before on our blog, but we have some new highlights and performance data we’d like to share with you. The performance data is compelling and suggests that more businesses should be adding Bing to their advertising strategies.
It’s important to remember that Bing is just one of many different marketing tactics you can use to achieve your goals. If you use Bing without a sound strategy in place, it will not be effective and you will be wasting your money.
Many people overlook Bing because of how dominant Google’s market share is (Hint: it’s 88%). Also known as Microsoft Advertising, Bing gets more than five billion searches every month. While it’s market share is less than Google’s, it still has the potential to generate high-quality traffic to your website for specific products. And, if your website is optimized for conversions, that traffic will turn into quality leads for your business.
It’s also important to note that Bing has a different user base than Google. This isn’t to say it’s better or worse—just different, and one that you can’t reach by only using Google Search advertising. In fact, Microsoft is making Bing the default search engine for its Office365 Pro Plus business users.
With Bing, you’ll be reaching customers on all three of Microsoft’s different advertising platforms: Bing, AOL, and Yahoo. Historically, these users are harder to reach. According to Atilus, the average Bing user:
Another compelling piece of the Bing puzzle is its potential for amazing campaign performances.
According to a study performed by Blue Corona, Bing search ads typically garner a 34% higher click-through rate when compared to Google Ads. We see a similar trend when we look at the almost 150 Bing search campaigns Netsertive runs in conjunction with Google Search.
For these campaigns on Bing, we see a 27% lower cost-per-click (CPC) and a 33.5% lower cost per lead.
Again, it’s important not to think about using either Bing or Google when it comes to your Search strategy. Consider using them together as tactics in your overall marketing strategy to support your objectives and achieve your goals.
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